Partnering with and supporting women during the first postpartum year
About Us
Mom2Mom- Jerusalem is an evidence-informed and continually expanding home-visiting project, aimed at providing emotional support to mothers during the first postpartum year.
Mom2Mom- Jerusalem is a pioneer of home visiting in Israel, established in 2000, modeled after Visiting Moms, Jewish Family and Children Services, Boston, MA, USA.
Our home-visitors are women from the community who are volunteers, trained and supervised by project coordinators who are professionals in the field of child development and social work.
All of our services are provided free of charge

Join Us
Meaningful Work. Unforgettable Experiences.
Why Mom2Mom?

Whether parents are experienced or not, they may experience new and unexpected challenges after the birth of a new infant. Having someone ‘by their side’ who listens and understands can reduce parents’ stress, supports their efforts to be the parents that they want to be, and promotes the health and wellbeing of the whole family.

Become a Volunteer
Join our team of wonderful volunteers whose ‘job’ it is to listen and support families with young babies in Jerusalem.
Reflective training and supervision by professionals on staff are enriching experiences for volunteers and staff, alike.
The project’s tenets of diversity and inclusion foster quality relationships between volunteers and between volunteers and moms who join the program.
Please contact us
Seeking Postpartum Support?
If you are a mom of an infant under the age of 1 and live in Jerusalem or its surrounds, we are here for you.
Please contact us
Open a Branch
To open a branch outside of Jerusalem, contact Smadar Brand at mom2amuta@gmail.com. https://mom4mom.org.il/
"Being a mother is learning about strengths that you didn’t know you had … and fears that you didn’t know existed."
Linda Wooten

Contact Mom2Mom
Mom2Mom, c/o Prof. M. Kaitz,
Department of Psychology,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus
Jerusalem 91905 Israel
Not from Jerusalem? Click on 'Branches' to see if there is a branch set up in your area!
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